Thursday, 27 October 2016

Fitness Sometimes Comes at a Price

Although the reasons for people exercising are many, there are many common problems that pop up for people who exercise a lot and are in excellent physical condition. These common problems are often the reasons why people choose not to exercise.

Chronic Pain

Although a normal amount of physical exercise helps to reduce the amount of general aches and pains that people experience, overdoing the exercise routine can cause chronic pain. For example, runners can develop heel and knee problems from the shock of running on pavement. Strength trainers who repeatedly do the same exercises with heavy weights can end up straining joints and pulling muscles. For these reasons, a varied exercise routine is a better route to physical fitness than doing the same routine every day. If you prefer the same daily routine, make sure that you warm up and cool down adequately and that you don't experience undue strain.

Increased Appetite

Many people start an exercise routine in order to lose weight. However, if you exercise at a high intensity level for a sustained amount of time, you may end up increasing your appetite to a degree where you're eating more calories after your workout than you burned while you were exercising. In general, this is not problematic, because even if you do not lose weight, exercising will make your entire body's condition better; your heart and lungs will be stronger, your posture will be better and your muscles will become stronger and better able to prevent injury.
Also, remember that exercises that increase your muscle mass can result in weight gain. If you are exercising primarily to lose weight, set a goal of reducing your waist or hip circumference instead. Increasing muscle mass results in increased weight (because muscle weighs more than fat); however, muscles look much better on your waist than fat does, and replacing fat with muscles results in decreased measurements around your waist and hips. Making a workout plan with a personal trainer will enable you to choose exercises that help you meet your exact goals, whether they're related to weight loss or muscle gain, or both.

Schedule Crunch

One of the most often cited reasons for not exercising is that people are already too busy and an extra hour a day is simply not to be found. While it's true that modern lives are busy lives and that exercising takes time, it's important to make the time in order to reap the benefits of physical health.If your goal is to exercise three times per week for one hour each session, make one of those three times on the weekend. Walk the beach with your family or take the kids roller-skating. You don't have to be in the gym lifting weights to get some exercise. Then you only have to choose two days during the week to fit in a workout.


Fitness offers us confidence,self-motivation and readiness. It sharpens our minds , elevates our mood and reduces our stress.When well attended to, fitness becomes a helpful tool in facing tough challenges of everyday life. However, when we neglect our fitness, such challenges can diminish us.

The key to making fitness a part of your life is to make it become a daily habit. Just like bathing,brushing your hair and teeth, eating breakfast, lunch,dinner workout! Yes, it is that simple!! Small efforts towards fitness everyday will compound and gradually lead you into fitness. It's a balance there is no need to go extremes.

If you have the ability to be fit, be fit. Deciding against an event or an adventure because you are not fit is the worst excuse there is. Find a way, any way to make things you dream of possible.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Fitness couldn't have been made easy than this ....take a moment and ponder on this, it actually looks easy until you think of all these things that are taken easily but they go along way in helping you become the better you.

Friday, 21 October 2016


I used to think that as long as i eat healthy, i would stay fit. Now, that was one crazy stereotype.O key
if you avoid filling your body with junk food, that's part of staying healthy but definitely its not keeping fit.                                                                                                                                    
 Image result for eating healthy picsI love eating, eating vegetables and fruits. As much as i pretend to avoid red meat and other junk food as advised by many health and medical professionals, i usually find hard to prevent them from going down my throat with mouth yearning for more.
I therefore must find an alternative way of removing the junk food from my system, is there a better way of doing that than exercising?. Well, that's what we call keeping fit. Basically eating healthy and twisting the bones and muscles of your body a little.

                                                                                             Image result for eating healthy pics
I know am not alone. Yeah you too, don't deny that you have never grabbed a packet of french fries or any other junky somewhere. Its not a crime to eat those types of food. Just remember to exercise after eating those junk foods and not only after that but also keep it a habit to always exercise.
When keeping fit, go for a type of exercise that you enjoy. Well, for instance like me, i dislike jogging, so i can't force myself to do so. If you keep on trying to keep fit with exercises you don't like, then it is highly possible that you will get bored easily and maybe give up on keeping fit.
So keeping fit is that simple, eat healthy and exercise.That is what we call maintaining  a fit healthy body.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016



We have to admit that a proper workout regime works best when fueled the the right type of diet. An individual needs to bare in mind the essentials and ensure that they supply the body with the required nutrients so that the body tissues don't wear out.
Image result for foods to power your workout
Rapberry Fruits.
Without further a do, I present you with the types of foods to power you workout and ensure you get the best out of every minute you spend in the gym or even at home. I will list some of foods to eat before any workout session.


i. Bananas.
This fruit is very rich in fast acting carbohydrate thus providing an individual with usable fuel for a workout, and the supply of potassium aids in maintaining muscle and nerve function.
Ripe Bananas

It is advisable to eat the banana then have breakfast within half an hour atleast.

ii. Oats.
Oats are packed with fiber,thus facilitating a steady release of carbohydrates into ones bloodstream, and therefore a steady energy supply throughout your workout.
Oat Meal.

iii. Fruit Smoothies.
These are an awesome pre-workout snack as they have high-quality protein and can be rapidly digested.
Image result for fruit smoothies
Healthy Fruit Smoothies
Fruit smoothies have a combination of both simple and complex carbohydrates thus making it a good pre-workout snack.

iv. Whole Grain Toasts.
Whole grains are packed with fiber, providing slow release,sustained energy throughout the workout duration.
Whole Grain Toast With Jam
Whole grains are packed with fiber, providing slow release,sustained energy throughout the workout duration.Topping it off with some jam will provide  you with fast acting simple carbohydrates.

I know you are probably wondering why all these.Well, i'll tell you. Running/working out on an empty stomach isn't advisable let alone being healthy. Your body needs the energy and fuel for it to do whatever tasks you require it to and same case applies to working out.

I'll sum this up with one of my best workout motivation quotes;


Sunday, 16 October 2016


Image result for getting fit with the right food
Yes to this 😌

Image result for double burgers
No to this 😢

Most people when tying to get fit give a great deal of emphasis on just the body work outs and not on the right foods which i find what is the point of jogging or running a mile and after that eating that delicious looking burger.. as yummy as it looks it is not your friend when you are really serious about getting fit, by eating that double cheeseburger you are just replacing the calories you had just burned when you were running or jogging putting you right back at square one.

so yes lets jog, run go hiking, go to the gym and all that but lets us also not forget to watch what we eat which can be painful i imagine some times but must be done either way.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Cardiovascular fitness is also referred to as the aerobic fitness. This is the ability of the heart and other cells like the red and white blood cells to supply oxygen to the rest of the body parts. Oxygen is very important as it helps in the functioning of the body. The red blood cells carry oxygen all round the body.when it comes to aerobics, its more of the rapid exercises that involve running, skipping a rope and also cycling. Swimming is also good as a way of exercising. when the speed of exercise is increased, the exercise is then called anaerobic exercises. during these activities. Oxygen is taken into the body breaking down the fatty fluids and also to release energy.

 Importance's  of the aerobic exercises include breaking down of the excess fats in the body (to be physically fit), reduce stress, increase the supply of oxygen improving the functioning of the body parts like the also reduces the blood pressure and fatigue.

During exercises, the lungs expand and go down to allow more air to get into the body, the ribs go up and the diaphragm goes down creating room for more air to get into the body. One is not allowed to breathe with the mouth rather one should use the nose. The nose has tiny hairs and mucus  that trap dust particles that are unhealthy for use by the body.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Emotional Fitness

Often, it is observed that people put their main focus on their physical fitness, which is very good. Anyways, it is very important for people to take into consideration their emotional health. When one has this, he or she is in control of his or her thoughts,  feelings and behavior. However, due to a number of reasons, people suffer emotional problems or mental illnesses.

Fear, anxiety, sorrow, love, frustration and depression are some factors that have a great impact on people's emotional fitness. People should have the ability to understand their emotions, to distinguish between different feelings and label them appropriately, to use emotional details to aid them in thinking and behaving and thereby managing these emotions to achieve their goals.

Good emotional health can be related to happiness. Happiness is when one acquires a good state of mind and it is derived from within. In order for one to achieve this state, one may consider staying away from those who bring him or her down, valuing his or her values, having trustworthy relationships and having the ability to understand his or her fears and figuring a way to look at the bigger picture to achieve his or her dreams.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016



We are back....I promised you we will be talking about taking care of that body and realizing what actually happens behind the exercise.
Most people exercise but do not actually know the benefits of the exercises.This is very important to actually know what exactly happens in your body when you visit that gym.
Most people just think of  a smooth  and clearer skin that goes along with a sexy body. But here is more to note.

Muscles, which use glucose and ATP for contraction and movement.
Lungs. As your muscles call for more oxygen (as much as 15 times more oxygen than when you're at rest), your breathing rate increases. Once the muscles surrounding your lungs cannot move any faster, you've reached what's called your VO2 max—your maximum capacity of oxygen use. The higher your VO2 max, the fitter you are.
Heart.  your heart rate increases with physical activity to supply more oxygenated blood to your muscles.
Brain. The increased blood flow also benefits your brain, allowing it to almost immediately function better. As a result, you tend to feel more focused after a workout.
"When you work out regularly, your brain gets used to this frequent surge of blood and adapts by turning certain genes on or off. Many of these changes boost brain cell function and protect from diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or even stroke, and ward off age-related decline."
 Exercise, in fact, is one of the most effective prevention and treatment strategies for depression
Joints and bones, as exercise can place as much as five or six times more than your body weight on them. Exercise can help you to maintain healthy bone mass as you get older. 

It is now clear the weights you lift in the gym indeed improve your health from head to toe.

 for more information, you can visit;