Tuesday, 29 November 2016


A system is a collection of organized things, usually working together to achieve a particular goal.
How then is a system related to fitness?.We can indeed make fitness as part of our system, not as physical part of our bodies like arms, head and legs. We can actually do that by making it a habit as we discussed earlier in our writings.

We were informed earlier that the best way to make fitness exercises a habit is by choosing the best exercise that we feel comfortable with and the ones that we enjoy the most. Doing something we enjoy highly guarantees that you can make it a habit, more so a character.

As it has already been said, there are various reasons why we should start working out such as; boosting happiness levels, reducing the risk of a heart attack, sleeping better and getting extra boost. They indeed are all very true, to add on i came across another very important reason. It is associated with life expectancy level.

According to a 2015 report by World Health Organization(WHO), African counties rank among the least in life expectancy levels across the world. My question is, why is that most of the developed countries have a higher life expectancy rate than African states?. You probably think its because they are wealthy and can afford better living standards, don't you?. Well, you may be correct but not entirely correct. You want to know why?, sure i'll tell you in a moment.

Countries such as USA have lets say, life expectancy rate of above 62 years average, most African states like Kenya have an a average of 42 years!. But i don't really think its because of wealth to have that much difference. If you think so, let me show you the performance of African states. Mauritius is at the top of the table as the best performing African state in the continent, Kenya is placed at position 16 and Nigeria is placed at position 40. Well, there you go. Isn't Nigeria the richest state in the continent?. Why then is it too far a way ranked from the best five or ten?.

Africa consumes most of the time fresh food, grown in natural environment. Foods such as cassava, yams,vegetables, cereals and sweet potatoes that are so rich in a variety of nutrients. Most western countries consume foods that we consider to be junk food such as french fries, deep fried chicken, pop corn and chocolate, why then is it that they still have a higher life expectancy rate?. Simple, its just exercise.

Have a look at countries such as Asian states, renowned for exercises such as Tai Chi and Yoga. Most of Europeans and Americans jog in the morning or late evening, or at list, make use of the gym. what a bout us , Africans?. The population that exercise is just a handful considering the great number of millions the continent has. We most of the time like eating and relaxing, expecting to remain healthy and live longer lives. We don't mind taking a packet of deep fried foods once in  a while and then the rest of the days we eat healthy, thinking that, that amount of junk food wont have an effect on our health.

Let  us employ some realism here and hit the gym or any other way we can use to exercise. Don't mind people looking at you while you jog a long the streets, ignore those eyes that stare at you as you do that Tai Chi or Yoga. Its our health that is of concern, not what people will say a bout you.
If one person starts working out, the most enjoyable exercise they like, then many of us if not all, follow the same strategy, we will achieve being a working out continent. Since we will be partaking the exercises we love, it will be our habit to exercise, which will soon or later turn into our character.

                  That's how fitness will become part of our system!.

1 comment:

  1. making fitness part of your system is really the first step to a healthier lifestyle
