Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Working out isn't always a bed of roses as one may encounter quite a number of challenges.First of all


Setting aside time to exercise can be a challenge. Use a little creativity to get the most out of your time.
Squeeze in short walks throughout the day. If you don't have time for a full workout, don't sweat it. Shorter bursts of exercise, such as walking for 10 minutes a few times during the day, offer benefits too. Aim to work your way up to exercising about 30 minutes on most days of the week.
  • Get up earlier. If your days are packed and the evening hours are just as hectic, get up 30 minutes earlier a few times a week to exercise. Once you've adjusted to early-morning workouts, add another day or two to the routine.
Drive less, walk more. Park in the back row of the parking lot or even a few blocks away and walk to your destination.
  • Revamp your rituals. Your weekly Saturday matinee with the kids or your best friend could be reborn as your weekly Saturday bike ride, rock-climbing lesson or trip to the pool.

Its natural to grow weary of repetitive workout therefore
  •     Choose activities you enjoy.
  •     Vary your routine.
  •      Join forces.
  •      Explore new options


If the mere thought of a morning jog makes you tired consider;
  •       Work with the nature
  •       Schedule exercise as you would schedule an important appointment


A system is a collection of organized things, usually working together to achieve a particular goal.
How then is a system related to fitness?.We can indeed make fitness as part of our system, not as physical part of our bodies like arms, head and legs. We can actually do that by making it a habit as we discussed earlier in our writings.

We were informed earlier that the best way to make fitness exercises a habit is by choosing the best exercise that we feel comfortable with and the ones that we enjoy the most. Doing something we enjoy highly guarantees that you can make it a habit, more so a character.

As it has already been said, there are various reasons why we should start working out such as; boosting happiness levels, reducing the risk of a heart attack, sleeping better and getting extra boost. They indeed are all very true, to add on i came across another very important reason. It is associated with life expectancy level.

According to a 2015 report by World Health Organization(WHO), African counties rank among the least in life expectancy levels across the world. My question is, why is that most of the developed countries have a higher life expectancy rate than African states?. You probably think its because they are wealthy and can afford better living standards, don't you?. Well, you may be correct but not entirely correct. You want to know why?, sure i'll tell you in a moment.

Countries such as USA have lets say, life expectancy rate of above 62 years average, most African states like Kenya have an a average of 42 years!. But i don't really think its because of wealth to have that much difference. If you think so, let me show you the performance of African states. Mauritius is at the top of the table as the best performing African state in the continent, Kenya is placed at position 16 and Nigeria is placed at position 40. Well, there you go. Isn't Nigeria the richest state in the continent?. Why then is it too far a way ranked from the best five or ten?.

Africa consumes most of the time fresh food, grown in natural environment. Foods such as cassava, yams,vegetables, cereals and sweet potatoes that are so rich in a variety of nutrients. Most western countries consume foods that we consider to be junk food such as french fries, deep fried chicken, pop corn and chocolate, why then is it that they still have a higher life expectancy rate?. Simple, its just exercise.

Have a look at countries such as Asian states, renowned for exercises such as Tai Chi and Yoga. Most of Europeans and Americans jog in the morning or late evening, or at list, make use of the gym. what a bout us , Africans?. The population that exercise is just a handful considering the great number of millions the continent has. We most of the time like eating and relaxing, expecting to remain healthy and live longer lives. We don't mind taking a packet of deep fried foods once in  a while and then the rest of the days we eat healthy, thinking that, that amount of junk food wont have an effect on our health.

Let  us employ some realism here and hit the gym or any other way we can use to exercise. Don't mind people looking at you while you jog a long the streets, ignore those eyes that stare at you as you do that Tai Chi or Yoga. Its our health that is of concern, not what people will say a bout you.
If one person starts working out, the most enjoyable exercise they like, then many of us if not all, follow the same strategy, we will achieve being a working out continent. Since we will be partaking the exercises we love, it will be our habit to exercise, which will soon or later turn into our character.

                  That's how fitness will become part of our system!.


Image result for sweaty work out

Myth #1: You Need to Sweat a Lot to Burn Fat

As we all know some people are heavy sweaters and some aren’t. The amount of sweat the body gives off does not indicate how hard it is working out, or how healthy it is going to get. Many factors like a person’s weight, how hot the temperature is, what type of exercise a person is doing,dictate how much an individual sweats.

Myth: More gym time is better.

It is true that scheduling in rest days is crucial, but your body needs to recover, especially after a tough session." If you work out every single day, you could injure yourself or over train, which keeps your muscles from rebounding and your body from improving.

Monday, 28 November 2016


When a person decides to go the gym, probably they do so after careful planning to allocate time for training. It is a commitment to having stronger bones, bigger muscles and greater strength. Lifting weights however can also cause injuries, this is if when done incorrectly and consistently. To avoid injury, proper form and volume are essential.
Before you start weight training, the following steps are key to uphold:

Muscle is 75% water. So it is essential to weigh yourself on a digital scale before and after training to know the appropriate amount of water you need to take to replenish your body.

One towel will be useful for your post work out after a shower and the other one can be useful to wipe the sweat-soaked equipment.

As a beginner, it is recommended to ask the instructor what to do so that you don't end up being confused or doing the wrong thing.

They can help you to work your muscles harder than machines.

As a beginner, never use weight that is so heavy that you need momentum to lift it. You should be able to pause for at list one second before you lift weight.

Making minor adjustments to your daily routine. This is a good way to make  it a positive habit to exercise.

It is the best way you will know your doing the correct thing . The correct exercises for starting positions is shoulder back, chest out, standing tall. Good posture guarantees good form.

Now that's what we call correct gym etiquette. 

EASE WHEN DEPRESSED-Exercise Is all you need.

  • 7 Great Exercises To Ease Depression

    Could a trip to the gym be just all the therapist ordered?

    Exercise certainly isn’t a depression cure-all, but a study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that heart-pumping, endorphin-boosting workouts actually promote happiness.

    Researchers say that more physically active people reported greater general feelings of excitement and enthusiasm than less-active people. And beyond its protective effect against feelings of depression, exercise may reduce stress and help you secure a better night’s sleep. That’s why your favorite fitness routine can be an excellent addition to your depression treatment plan.

    Exercise stimulates the release of many of the brain chemicals thought to be in low supply when someone is battling depression.

    Here are 7 great exercises to help ease depression symptoms.

    Get your walk on...
    set off that runners high...
    Build your muscles...

    Try Tai Chi
    Become a YOGI


    • Saturday, 26 November 2016



      It is also known as aerobic fitness. Aerobic activities increase your breathing and heart rate. This type of exercise keeps your heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness. They include activities such as;
        Image result for aerobic excercising pics
      Brisk walking
      Yard work (moving, raking, digging)


      Strength exercises are intended to make your muscles stronger. It is an important exercise because it enables one to carry out tasks that require more energy. The exercise is also important for those people in different carriers such as in boxing. Some people Just do it for fun or passion.It is also called strength exercises or resistance training.
      This type of exercise involve; lifting weights, using resistance band and using your own body weight.
      Image result for strength excercising pics


      Balance exercises help to maintain balance so as to prevent falls, which is a common problem in older adults. 
      It includes these types of exercises; standing on one foot, heel- to- toe walk and Tai Chi.
      Image result for balance exercising pics


      Flexible exercises stretch your muscle and can help your body stay flexible. Being flexible gives you freedom of movement and also to do more activities and exercises.
      Shoulder and upper arm stretch
      Calf stretch


                                    A one hour work out is just 4% of your day!

      Most experts recommend  working out 45 minutes to an hour a day. For beginners, it is recommended to work out just for about 30 minutes. There are simple exercises that a person can make use of. They really don't have to be that complex.
       Taking the stairs
      If you are so much used to ridding  elevators , you may consider taking a break to start using the stairs instead. Try taking two stairs at a time. This is a simple exercise that you can take anywhere; at school, work or at home.
      When watching TV
      Well, all of us are used to using the remote control. We can  actually make use of watching TV as part of an exercise. Lets try changing channels the old fashioned way. Just stand up and change channels on the TV set  rather than sitting on that coach and pressing the remote control. OK, use of technology is considered a nice way to make life much better but going old fashioned way once in a while won't hurt, it will actually make you exercise your muscles more. Just get up and walk to the television set.
      Free yourself once in a while when you turn on that music. Yeah don't get shy. Just think of any movement to move along with the beats of the song. It doesn't have to be vigorous, just shake or move your body a bit. Release that tension and make your body free.
      If you live near school or work place, there is no need really to drive or use public transport every day. You don't actually gain more when sitting in that cosy seat of that classy car. Walking as an exercise doesn't really mean you wake up at dawn and walk for several kilometers or you trek every evening, just make it part of your daily routine.
      Pres ups
      10 or more pres ups in the morning and before going to bed daily can work wonders. That can add up to an average of  140 pres ups per week, which is a good number by the way.
      And finally we have
      If you want  that belly to have that figure or to have those desired six park, you got to work on it. Yeah sit-ups tend to hurt a bit especially for beginners. That pain will make you gain that outcome. You don't need to work extra hard, just a few sit-ups your body can manage.

      So, stop making excuses maintaining your body fit and healthy. That the gym is becoming more expensive....or you can't find time to exercise...well, there you go now. Start utilizing those simple steps to make your body proud of yourself.

      Thursday, 24 November 2016


      By nature, one needs a sense of belonging and the ability to express himself /herself in the way that he /she wishes. Spiritual fitness is one of the most important important aspect of fitness as much as physical fitness, emotional fitness and social fitness are important.

      Spirituality can be defined by a one's beliefs, upbringing and life experiences. These 3 aspects contribute to one's spiritual fitness. Spiritual fitness is about taking care of the third part of who you are: body, mind and spirit. 
      Being unable to develop this fitness can lead to a risk of developing Mild Cognitive Decline (MCI)  and even Alzheimer's disease. 
      According to the Alzheimer's research that was done, 

      Aspects of Spiritual Fitness include:

      • Socialization or being with like-minded people
      • Acceptance and forgiveness of yourself and others
      • Patience and allowing yourself to be in the moment
      • Compassion and empathy towards yourself and others
      • Purpose or meaning in life via self-discovery and building your legacy
      • Sense of spirituality, regardless of origin or religion, makes you happier
      • Volunteering or service without thought of self-reward is a very beneficial, life-affirming act
      Therefore, it is an individual's obligation to make certain he or she has a good spiritual fitness! 

      Tuesday, 22 November 2016



      Well,except from the fact that most of us work out so as to get the body of our dreams; its imperative for us to know other benefits of working out

      1.Boosts happiness levels.
      Whether we’re fully conscious of it or not, we’re always looking for how to be happy. And exercise is one of the most obvious steps to take, as it’s not a coincidence that you feel better after a good workout: It’s science.
      People are happier on days when they are more physically active than usual, meaning that upping the ante on workouts can provide even more of a happiness boost. The takeaway? Working out can make you happy long term; adding extra intensity can make you feel even better.

      2.Reduce your risk of heart disease.
      Get out of the medicine cabinet and reduce your risk of heart disease the natural way. exercising is a really great way to ensure you aren't at risk.
      In fact, for those patients who already had suffered a stroke, physical activity interventions are more effective than drug treatment. Work with your doctor to set up an exercise plan that works for you.

      3.Sleep better.
      If you cant sleep and instead are prone to tossing and turning, exercising can help you sleep better. By strengthening circadian rhythms, exercising can help keep you more bright-eyed during the day and bring on sleep at night. It also promotes better quality sleep.

      4.Get EXTRA energy boost
      With low-intensity exercise, the equivalent of a leisurely stroll,an individual experiences a drop in fatigue levels and a 20 percent energy boost.

      5.Learn to set goals and achieve them.
       It is believed that by committing to reaching an exercise milestone and then working out just how you’ll achieve it, you can enjoy the benefits of exercise and the confidence that comes along with it.Whether it’s deciding to run a 10K, increasing the amount you can dead-lift or increasing your bike mileage, setting and achieving fitness goals is an incredible self-confidence boost. But if you find your resolutions falling to the wayside, science has uncovered the secret to success(setting clear intentions).

      Therefore, its good for us to realise theres more to working out than the physical outcome.
      Exercise and live healthy :)


      1.) Go your own way: Fitness goals are great, but you should not let your device set it for you. Instead of stressing over the preset goal of 10,000 steps per day-which may be too many or too few for you-see how many steps your current lifestyle reasonably allows you to achieve, then work toward a higher number.

      2. Adjust accordingly. Anita Hamilton warns users that most fitness trackers overestimate the number of calories you burn by at least 10-15%; for some exercises, such as cycling, trackers without a built in heart rate monitor may be off by more than half. The solution? Calculate your workout’s calorie burn totals yourself and enter them into your tracker’s app manually.

       3. Be patient. It will take time for your device to gather useful data, so don’t pay too much attention to the numbers in the first week or so. “The point of collecting your data is to find the averages over time and create a baseline,”. “The data on day one won’t necessarily create an accurate picture of your life. Over time, however, the averages will more accurately reflect your true fitness level, and those are the numbers that matter.”

       4. Stay balanced. Fitness trackers can be good motivators, but don’t let yours rule your life. If you obsess over the daily goals you have set for yourself, you may lose sight of other things that matter (remember friends and family?). That’s the lesson that Redbook.com contributor Susan Dominus learned from her experience with a tracker: “The key, I realized, is finding some happy balance between reevaluating old habits (sitting, driving) and a mindless devotion to counting and competing.”

       5. Find a friend. While your fitness tracker may help move you towards a healthier, more active lifestyle, think about adding a buddy to your new-you team. Friends can help each other stay accountable to goals and are much more pleasant to be around than a device that can only beep its encouragement. Kieran Alger writes, “You’re going to need something to keep that fitness band interesting. By far the best way is to dive head first into the social and community that comes with most devices, or get friends and family involved.” Hamilton warns users to focus on your own goals rather than turning exercise into a competition: “The motivating effect from being part of a group only works when you’re winning. As an alternative, consider setting short-term goals that build on your own baseline activity level instead.”

      The Good Carbs to Eat Before a Workout

      No one wants to feel like they're dragging through the second half of spin class. But rather than blaming the instructor, relationship stress, or a bad night's sleep, think about what you ate before hopping on the bike. Pre-workout nutrition makes a huge difference when it comes to reaching your max potential. And the smart way to fuel up involves carbs. Think of them as energizers rather than a six-pack's enemy number one. "Carbohydrates are fuel for your muscles," says Alissa Rumsey, M.S., R.D., C.S.C.S. "Without them, your muscles cannot work as hard." They're key to keeping your body going when things get tough. A study published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism found that eating carbs 15 minutes before exercise helped study participants run 12.8 percent longer than when they had the placebo.
      Here's how it works: Your body breaks carbohydrate molecules into glucose. Glucose then gets shipped off to the muscles, where it's converted into energy and stored until your body's energy supply runs low. Eating a high-carb meal four hours before exercising could raise glycogen levels by as much as 42 percent, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. As you probably have guessed, though, not just any carb will do (sorry, candy bars and doughnuts). You have to find the carbs that'll keep you going strong until cool-down. Here's how to choose the good carbs to eat before a workout.

      "Good" vs. "Bad" Carbs

      The best exercise-boosting carbs include whole foods like whole-wheat bread, fruit, yogurt, milk, and starchy vegetables, says Rumsey. That unprocessed aspect qualifies them as "good," or unrefined. These carbs take a slow-and-steady approach to releasing energy (that's why a morning serving of oatmeal keeps you full until lunch). Refined carbs, on the other hand, are processed, which usually means they're stripped of any beneficial nutrients by the time they hit your plate. Your body quickly absorbs these refined carbs, such as white rice, cookies, and pasta made with white flour, giving you an instant energy spike.
      In most cases, unrefined carbs are the way to go, and processed, refined carbs are out if you want to lose weight, but the winner isn't as clear-cut when exercise is on your agenda. Since refined carbs hit your system more quickly, they could be helpful if you need a quick boost before a workout, says Rumsey.

      Pay Attention to the Clock

      The type of carbs you want to eat depends on how long you've got before you plan to hit the gym. If you're a few hours out, make yourself a meal with one-quarter to one-third of your plate filled with unrefined carbs, like sweet potatoes, beans, or quinoa. If you'll be heading to the gym in an hour or less and you haven't eaten for three or four hours, it's time to load up on a carb-heavy snack with 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates, says Rumsey. That could be half a bagel with a spoonful of peanut butter, or a bowl of cereal. (Here are a few more ideas on what to eat before a morning workout.)
      Not exactly the meal-planning type? You can still fill up on your way out the door. Just reach for a snack filled with fast-digesting carbs, such as half a banana with a spoonful of peanut butter or two graham crackers with some jelly, she says. There's no need to force carbs down, though, especially if you'll just be hitting the gym for an hour or so and not embarking on an Ironman. One study published in the journal Nutrients found that while there's plenty of science supporting the benefits of eating carbs a few hours before exercise, eating them within an hour of working out hasn't been shown to boost performance (though it doesn't seem to hurt either). If your last meal was within the past four hours, you should have enough in your stomach to power through, says Rumsey.

      Figure Out the Best Carbs for You

      Finding out which carbs your body finds agreeable before a workout comes down to trial and error. "The choice of refined or unrefined will depend on your tolerance and how your stomach feels," says Rumsey. Digging into a bowl of oatmeal an hour or two before exercising could help one person push through to the finish, while another person might not feel like it digests quickly enough, she says.
      Don't limit your carbo-loading to solid food. Sports drinks can do the trick, too. U.K. researchers asked seven athletes to ingest sports drinks with different concentrations of carbohydrates. The athletes drank 5 milliliters per kilogram of their body weight five minutes before exercising and then every 15 minutes during the workout. When they drank a solution with 6 percent carbohydrates, their endurance increased by 34 percent compared to when they drank the 10 percent concentration. Since they ran longer, they also ran about 225 meters farther. (For reference, Gatorade Thirst Quencher is right at this sweet spot of 6 percent carbohydrate concentration.)
      The types of carbs you eat could also affect how hungry you are afterward, finds a study published earlier this year in the journal Appetite. After participants did an hour of brisk walking, researchers recorded their hunger levels in 30-minute intervals. They found that those who ate a meal with a glycemic index (GI) of 39 (which included a fruit drink) were less hungry at the 30-minute and 1-hour post-workout marks compared to people who had a low-GI breakfast without fructose, and compared to those who ate a high-GI breakfast. GI refers to how carb-rich foods affect your blood glucose, with high-GI foods like bagels or pretzels raising blood glucose levels more than low-GI foods like milk, lentils, nuts, and vegetables.


      Hey guys my recent research has shown me that whether you've been working out for two weeks or two decades, you're probably making  some mistakes that prevent you from getting optimal results. Here are some exercise dos and don'ts

      note this is for beginners like me

      1.Work out every day. That's right, seven straight. "It's important for beginners to form an exercise habit. Doing something daily, even if it's small, helps with consistency,For the best results, don't overwhelm yourself . Exercise until you feel that exercise has become an embedded part of your daily routine.

      2.Breathe better. To improve your performance, focus on your breathing, "Inhale deeply during the rest phases of an exercise. A powerful exhale can help you generate more force, which means you'll be able to do more work.


      1. Be a slouch.Posture affects your mood as well as your performance,Slumping causes you to check out of your workout both mentally and physically. slouching also keeps you from breathing deeply, which is necessary for delivering the oxygen your muscles need to work at full capacity.the mind might not be a muscle but it can impact your exercises greatly.

      2.Skimp on shoes.      Related imageChoose footwear for its functionality, not because it's stylish inadequate shoes can lead to injuries, so go to a sporting or athletic-shoe store, where knowledgeable staff can fit you with shoes designed to support your feet during specific activities. If you wear your shoes regularly, make sure to replace them every three months.

      Wednesday, 16 November 2016

      Cold weather: Safety tips for exercising outdoors

      We need to learn some basic tips when exercising in cold weather outdoors. These tips are aimed at keeping us fit while protecting our health and staying safe. You don't necessarily have to change your exercise routine because of cold weather. The following tips can help you keep on going:
       Image result for cold weather imagesCHECK WEATHER CONDITIONS AND WIND CHILL : Before going out, check the weather forecast. Temperature, wind and moisture along with the length of time you will be outside are key points to crosscheck for safety before heading outside for workout.Check the forecast before heading outside. Wind chill is a combination of cold and wind, extreme wind chill can make exercising outside unsafe even when putting on warm clothes. The wind can penetrate your clothes and remove insulating layer of warm air surrounding your body. 

      If you have health problems such as heart conditions or asthma, its better to check it out with your doctor fast to review any special precautions you may need for your medication.
      To keep warm, consider dressing in layers. Protecting your hands and feet can help you stay safe while exercising outdoors.
      Image result for exercising in wet and muddy weather in Africa imagesIn muddy and slippery grounds, consider wearing shoes that can maintain good friction and if you are cycling, focus and maintain a slow steady speed.  

      Tuesday, 15 November 2016



      Most times people feel that they do not have money or time to go to the gym.Some feel that they can not even afford the equipment for working out at home.But have you thought of working out at home even without those equipments that people treasure so much.

      Here is a video showing several workout that will help you burn out those calories and still keep you fit always.


      If you are not able to open the video you can always go to the below link.


      Tuesday, 8 November 2016


      Image result for cartoon images of fitness instructors

               Why pay for gym membership fee that you never attend?. Some people deep in their pockets every month to pay for gym services that they aren't really keen on utilizing. We keep fit for various reasons, maybe just for staying fit in general, to be flexible, to have that desired figure, to meet the requirements of some professions like in air hostessing or for various reasons according to our will.
      This is when  the purpose for keeping fit comes in. There are different exercises for different outcomes. For instance, you can't desire to have those extended firm muscles then you take jogging as your primary exercise, you will need to lift some weight and maybe press ups with some other supplementary exercises.
              We do need gym instructors or rather, exercise instructors to advice us on the best types of exercise to pick so as to meet our desired outcomes.
      They also encourage us to keep on going when we may feel like drooping the exercises.

      You don't really have to entirely depend on fitness professionals for your workout. They come in handy mostly for beginners, if you know are knowledgeable of what you are doing then you can do it alone or in the company of a friend, colleague or a family member.
      Let's say you want to loss weight, OK maybe you are like me who really does't like the idea of jogging. You can walk instead. To accelerate the rate at which you loss weight, you may need to at list inject  brief periods of intense effort in your walking for let't say intervals of five minutes. Other types of exercises include; swimming, bicycling and runs. They intensify and resets your metabolism to a higher rate.
      You may be that guy who can't wait to posses those biceps, or that girl who yawns to attain that figure. You need different types of fitness exercises to attain that outcome. In this case you may take various exercises that may include weight lifting, a combination of free weight training with the constant tension provided by cables and a gymnastic-like strength move will provide a spark to help bring up even the most stubborn biceps peaks.  For girls, lifting weight may still apply with other exercises like jumping rope, jogging, yoga and a lot more of them.

                  Always remember, you need to start with the basic training exercises before you                   move on to  more extreme and demanding ones.

      Some experts say that the hormonal difference between men and women account for more than 90% of the difference in the way men and women actually respond to training and nutrition. I guess you may also consider that in choosing the type of exercise depending on the outcome you want if you are a lady or a guy. 

               Image result for cartoon images of  happy people certisfied with fitness exerciseKnow what you goal for keeping fit, go for the right type of exercise.        

      Saturday, 5 November 2016


      Some people go to a great extent to become  fitness addicts . Exercise addiction  becomes a compulsive  disorder that compels people to exercise excessively. Simply enjoying exercise does not mean that someone has an exercise addiction. Addiction becomes a problem when it takes center stage of a persons life, it takes total control to the point that a person may become uneasy when the person misses even a single day or hour of his/her exercise routine. This disorder is called  anorexia athletica or obligatory exercise. 
      Image result for effects of fitness addiction images
      One of the strongest signs of exercise addiction is the inability to concentrate on other things due to always thinking about exercise. Some people may skip very important programmes such as attending classes or taking unpaid time off work just to exercise. This may drastically affect their performance at school or reduce their level of income. Other people may not have time for family as they fully concentrate on fitness exercises. This pose a greater challenge to people as they may be faced with social challenges such as missing important events and activities just to exercise. 
      Image result for fitness addiction images

      We need to keep i mind that anything that is done in excess can be poisonous. We therefore need to limit ourselfs in whatever we do inclusive of fitness exercises.
      If you really like spending a lot of hours in the gym or at any place to exercise, always spare some time to do other normal or required activities. Don't side track your social life as we humans were made to be social, we need our friends and they need us, same to our families and a lot other people.

      Sometimes, confider taking your family or friends with you as you head to exercise. It may turn out more fun and you will get to enjoy together, furthermore, have a stronger bond.

                                  There is time for everything, just relax and enjoy life.

      Thursday, 27 October 2016

      Fitness Sometimes Comes at a Price

      Although the reasons for people exercising are many, there are many common problems that pop up for people who exercise a lot and are in excellent physical condition. These common problems are often the reasons why people choose not to exercise.

      Chronic Pain

      Although a normal amount of physical exercise helps to reduce the amount of general aches and pains that people experience, overdoing the exercise routine can cause chronic pain. For example, runners can develop heel and knee problems from the shock of running on pavement. Strength trainers who repeatedly do the same exercises with heavy weights can end up straining joints and pulling muscles. For these reasons, a varied exercise routine is a better route to physical fitness than doing the same routine every day. If you prefer the same daily routine, make sure that you warm up and cool down adequately and that you don't experience undue strain.

      Increased Appetite

      Many people start an exercise routine in order to lose weight. However, if you exercise at a high intensity level for a sustained amount of time, you may end up increasing your appetite to a degree where you're eating more calories after your workout than you burned while you were exercising. In general, this is not problematic, because even if you do not lose weight, exercising will make your entire body's condition better; your heart and lungs will be stronger, your posture will be better and your muscles will become stronger and better able to prevent injury.
      Also, remember that exercises that increase your muscle mass can result in weight gain. If you are exercising primarily to lose weight, set a goal of reducing your waist or hip circumference instead. Increasing muscle mass results in increased weight (because muscle weighs more than fat); however, muscles look much better on your waist than fat does, and replacing fat with muscles results in decreased measurements around your waist and hips. Making a workout plan with a personal trainer will enable you to choose exercises that help you meet your exact goals, whether they're related to weight loss or muscle gain, or both.

      Schedule Crunch

      One of the most often cited reasons for not exercising is that people are already too busy and an extra hour a day is simply not to be found. While it's true that modern lives are busy lives and that exercising takes time, it's important to make the time in order to reap the benefits of physical health.If your goal is to exercise three times per week for one hour each session, make one of those three times on the weekend. Walk the beach with your family or take the kids roller-skating. You don't have to be in the gym lifting weights to get some exercise. Then you only have to choose two days during the week to fit in a workout.


      Fitness offers us confidence,self-motivation and readiness. It sharpens our minds , elevates our mood and reduces our stress.When well attended to, fitness becomes a helpful tool in facing tough challenges of everyday life. However, when we neglect our fitness, such challenges can diminish us.

      The key to making fitness a part of your life is to make it become a daily habit. Just like bathing,brushing your hair and teeth, eating breakfast, lunch,dinner etc...you workout! Yes, it is that simple!! Small efforts towards fitness everyday will compound and gradually lead you into fitness. It's a balance there is no need to go extremes.

      If you have the ability to be fit, be fit. Deciding against an event or an adventure because you are not fit is the worst excuse there is. Find a way, any way to make things you dream of possible.

      Wednesday, 26 October 2016


      The EASY WAY...
      Fitness couldn't have been made easy than this ....take a moment and ponder on this, it actually looks easy until you think of all these things that are taken easily but they go along way in helping you become the better you.

      Friday, 21 October 2016


      I used to think that as long as i eat healthy, i would stay fit. Now, that was one crazy stereotype.O key
      if you avoid filling your body with junk food, that's part of staying healthy but definitely its not keeping fit.                                                                                                                                    
       Image result for eating healthy picsI love eating, eating vegetables and fruits. As much as i pretend to avoid red meat and other junk food as advised by many health and medical professionals, i usually find hard to prevent them from going down my throat with mouth yearning for more.
      I therefore must find an alternative way of removing the junk food from my system, is there a better way of doing that than exercising?. Well, that's what we call keeping fit. Basically eating healthy and twisting the bones and muscles of your body a little.

                                                                                                   Image result for eating healthy pics
      I know am not alone. Yeah you too, don't deny that you have never grabbed a packet of french fries or any other junky somewhere. Its not a crime to eat those types of food. Just remember to exercise after eating those junk foods and not only after that but also keep it a habit to always exercise.
      When keeping fit, go for a type of exercise that you enjoy. Well, for instance like me, i dislike jogging, so i can't force myself to do so. If you keep on trying to keep fit with exercises you don't like, then it is highly possible that you will get bored easily and maybe give up on keeping fit.
      So keeping fit is that simple, eat healthy and exercise.That is what we call maintaining  a fit healthy body.